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Tag: The Hunger Games
Ashvegas Hot Sheet: Visitors are swamping DuPont State Forest
Jason Sandford
February 22, 2016
‘The Hunger Games’ fans still flocking to DuPont State Forest
Jason Sandford
December 3, 2012
Miss Katniss? Asheville Pizza & Brewing to screen ‘Hunger Games’
Jason Sandford
July 23, 2012
Second ‘Hunger Games’ movie to be filmed in Atlanta area
Jason Sandford
June 4, 2012
Ashvegas reader: ‘The Hunger Games’ shot true to book
Jason Sandford
March 27, 2012
‘Serena’, the movie based on book by Asheville-area author Ron Rash, starts production
Jason Sandford
March 26, 2012
‘The Hunger Games’ sets box office records
Jason Sandford
March 26, 2012
Hunger Game buzz in Asheville keeps building
Jason Sandford
March 19, 2012
Asheville Hunger Games round-up for the day: A special Asheville screening; a fan tour; a Huffington Post mention; an Enka High School week of fun; and movie’s big money impact
Jason Sandford
March 14, 2012
‘The Hunger Games’ Hotsheet: Sequel to be shot in Asheville area in September? And Charlotte gets permiere
Jason Sandford
March 6, 2012
Huffington Post interview w/ Elizabeth Banks touches on ‘The Hunger Games,’ filmed in Asheville
Jason Sandford
January 10, 2012