Asheville radio show host Matt Mittan: More details coming soon about departure from Clear Channel


Comment from Matt Mittan, posted on the initial news here about his departure from Clear Channel:

FYI: I was not part of the force reduction that occurred. I plan on talking to Jason (and others) about it in more detail soon. Right now I’m working hard to sort out taking care of my family while ensuring that a forum for free speech and diverse conversation can exist with integrity, loyalty and consistency. Those are my immediate priorities.


Wall Street Guy November 8, 2011 - 7:04 pm

I am very disappointed that Matt and crew have been silenced. As a right winged thinker I very much enjoyed being brought back to the center through the thoughts and opinions of Matt and his guest. Asheville needs a voice like his to battle the left and the extremes’ they create on the right. I wish him the best.

JPWriter October 29, 2011 - 5:07 am

Matt & Agnus will surely be missed. They were the talk radio conscience which Asheville surely needed. Honest, knowledgeable, fair, entertaining, and integrity. That's seldom heard on Talk Radio. Good luck!!

Errington Thompson October 29, 2011 - 4:35 am

Matt Mittan, in my opinion, was an incredibly nice guy. He went out of his way to help me at the Clear Channel studio/ranch. I appreciated the way that he reached out to me and allowed me to guest host his show. He even took the time to come on my Saturday morning show more than once.

The problem with the corporate world that we live in is that individuals, little people, the workers don't matter. The only people that matter of those that are in the executive suites. Those people are protected and coddled. Everyone else is expendable. Local radio is about individuals. It is about individuals making connections with the community and the community connecting with an individual. That's local radio.

Local radio will broadcast during the middle of a snowstorm. They will broadcast with little sleep and very little to eat because they're doing it for the community. That's what Matt did. That's why he will be missed.

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